Monday, April 27, 2009

Digging In The Dirt

Well, we got about 90% of the plants and seeds in the ground at The Farm on Sunday. I need to offer a million thanks to Heinz, Jim and Noah (pictured here with me). They brought a willing effort and a ton of mulch that I will spread once I finish seeding maybe tomorrow afternoon. This is a group effort designed not only to produce some wonderful vegetables and flowers, but a chance to decompress and relax with good friends. I believe my son Daniel plans on having a vegetable stand in Reynolda Village to help supplement his lawn mowing income this summer - Ill keep you posted.

Yarddawg: please take note of the freshly planted Nicotiana at our feet.

***Update - Noah and I finished planting (still have some real estate left however) or I so I thought until I reached into my pocket while sitting with some friends last night to find a pack of seeds I intended to plant in the cutting garden. Well, we need to get more mulch anyway (about 60 bags), so I will have to dig a little more before I can claim complete installation of the Brookberry Garden 2009.***


Yarddawg said...
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Yarddawg said...

I was about to comment, Then I saw your note. A new generation is about to reacquaint itself with some family tradition. Way to go.