Saturday, January 24, 2009


We look in them, we look through them, but very rarely do we look AT them. I am not sure what inspired me to take some of these pictures, much less dig through my library to find and post them. The first one is a house in Brooklin, Maine on the 4th of July. Seemed very nostalgically patriotic. Brooklin happens to be where E.B. White did most of his writing such as Charlotte's Web. If you have not read his collection of essays, they are moving. The second is a random house on Meeting Street in Charleston, SC. The last two are actually the windows in my office which is on the second floor of what was the dairy barn on the R.J. Reynolds estate built in 1917 now called Reynolda Village. So, here's to the idea of continuing to look for and at the things we normally look past; or most succinctly put: Notice More.

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